First Stop London!

We did it! Blimey, we actually managed to leave! Woo! Woo!

Crazy week, packing, leaving things behind and generally going bananas. We Landed in London for a friend’s 50th birthday party.

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Social Impact House

Where the magic happened

So this last weekend, I nipped up to the Berkshires to help Laura out with a conference she is helping to organize. “Social Impact House” is a Penn State initiative to bring together folks who have innovative and successful social programs with other folks who starting out. Really nice idea, and some really great things people are doing. Check out their website.

I was asked to help out with some of the video, and also found myself official photographer for a few days. A real eye opener! It wasn’t so much the taking photos, luckily the people were easy to photograph and we were in an amazing house – see picture above – in beautiful countryside. It was more the data management. I was continuously backing up stuff. Some good lessons learned which I’ll be using on the road.

Here are some head shots I had to do at short notice. Never done this type of thing before and a bit stressful as they were official! Eeek! Most taken in a few seconds as I had about 20 minutes to do them all, so forgive some wonky ones. I did learn a lot of about portrait processing in Lightroom though. With some basic edits (skin tone, blurring the background, adding warmth) the images are so much better. The trick is to be subtle and not to do that crazy magazine smoothed-out effect.

I am buying the next wedding photographer a drink. Come to think of it, that’s not a huge statement given drinks are free at weddings …


Mr. Bombastic!

Yet another Celebrate Brooklyn post, but the place is awesome. Last night we went up to see Shaggy. Yes, you heard me.

Me wind it ‘op!

He was Bombastic, the atmosphere was great, Brooklyn at its best.

These pics are with my new Sony RX100 M2 compact. Sure, they’re not as a sharp as with a DSLR, but given its size, I think it does an amazing job capturing the gig in such low light. All are taken with no flash, high iso, with some post-processing in Lightroom. I think this camera is going to be a lot of fun on the road …. assuming I don’t drop it down the toilet (again).

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Things are beginning to finally sink in about our world trip. Like we’re, err, actually going on a, err, world trip. You know, with real airplanes and everything. Until the last week or two it all seemed a bit vague, but as we run through the “To Do” list of doom – rent apartment, get shots, become American (have British teeth done) – we’re beginning to realize that soon our worldly possessions will be distilled down to a handful of bags containing some fearsomely stinky backpacker stuff.

[ Warning: NERD ALERT ]

I cannot deny that I love this phase. Miniature, shrinky, gadgetty things. Drool! Geek Snort!

Above is a picture of our packagery. I am roguishly sporting an REI “Mars” 80L pack (the big one), which is a great little number, and cheap at $200. It’s big enough to hold my stuff and my guitalele (mini guitar thingie, inside the pack in this photo). My hand luggage is a Pacsafe camera backpack (black on the right). It has a nifty camera section in the bottom half, which is lined with wire mesh so that it cannot be slashed open. I’ll be taking some camera gear – you don’t think I actually want to LOOK at things do you? – so made a bit of an effort with security. I have no illusions though, I’ll most likely have everything pinched on the way to the airport and have to check-in wearing only underpants (again).

My lovely wife will be using her super comfortable Deuter day-pack. Which is admittedly more of a several-days-pack on her (petite lovely that she is).

Then – and here’s the scandalous part – her main pack ….. will be a rolling case!


That’s right, I said it. Not a backpack, A CASE. Backpacker glitterati will snub this in “huff’s” and “pffft’s”, but you know what? It actually makes a lot of sense. We are trekking in the Himalayas, but other than that we don’t really need packs. Even as we fend of rabid yaks (curse their smiling faces), we’ll have enough packery for what we need to do. Other than that her rugged REI roller-case will do the trick nicely. Boom.

Ok. Maybe I’m taking luggage a bit too seriously. I’m a sad case.